
Newsletter #2 SSECR Junior Network

Every month there is the opportunity for a zoom-meeting among SSECR Juniors (potential new members are always welcome to participate in an event to get familiar). The aim is to get in touch with each other in a relaxed atmosphere with coffee or tee and to connect Early Career Researchers in the field of early childhood research. The event takes place online on changing workdays at 1pm. Usually, we first split up in random groups of two to get to know each other in person (it is easier to communicate this way than in big groups). At 1:15pm there will be a short, creative presentation by one of us about a PhD- or work related project. At 1:30 there is the possibility to opt out and get back to work (since your mug will probably be empty by then) or keep discussing the project and other issues that you would like to talk about among peers. This discussion will be moderated (e.g. by a member of the organising committee).

Dear SSECR-Juniors 

We are pleased to send out the second newsletter of the SSECR Junior Network. These newsletters will arrive in your mailbox about two weeks prior to the next Coffee/Tee and Talk session. We will also remind you on Twitter about the upcoming event a few days prior to the meeting. Get connected through #SSECR_Junior_Network  

Coffee/Tea and Talk #2

In our first Coffee/Tee and Talk event in March we discussed issues of playfulness with Conny Rüdisüli. Also, we had time to get in touch with new people - some of them holding a mug of coffee or tea in their hands. Info on the concept of the meeting below ↓

Our second “Coffee/Tea and Talk” session will take place on Friday, April 30th at 1pm. 

Nadine Itel will present on “Using Video Vignettes to Assess Early Childhood Practitioners’ Professional Knowledge About Language Fostering Practice”. Extended abstract below↓


Meeting-ID: 618 6871 5494

Kenncode: SSECR_123

You can already save the date for the following sessions:

Wednesday June 30th 2021
Monday August 30th 2021
(in May there will be no meeting since the SSECR Academy is held in that month)
Please contact johanna.quiring@phsg.ch if you are interested in a presentation slot later this year. 

We are looking forward to chatting and drinking coffee or tea with you! 

Best, The organising committee: Isabelle Duss, Andrea Faeh, Karina Iskrzycki, Nadine Itel, Conny Rüdisüli, Beatrice Valentini, Johanna Quiring (coordinator)  


Abstract of the presentation in the next session:

Using Video Vignettes to Assess Early Childhood Practitioners’ Professional Knowledge About Language Fostering Practice

Integrating professional language support in everyday activities is a highly challenging task that requires professional competencies by the practitioners. Studies have highlighted the importance of professional trainings to develop knowledge about good teaching practice. Knowledge is a basic prerequisite to being able to act not only by intuition in the complex educational contexts of early childhood institutions but to reflect on and to justify one’s actions.

This study will seek to identify the early childhood professionals’ specific knowledge about language fostering practice. 47 early childhood practitioners participated in this study. In order to assess their knowledge an interview using video vignettes was developed. The presentation will describe the interview using video vignettes and present the results of the analysis, that focus on different sets of language support strategies.

Concept of SSECR Junior’s Coffee/Tea and Talk:

Every month there is the opportunity for a zoom-meeting among SSECR Juniors (potential new members are always welcome to participate in an event to get familiar).

The aim is to get in touch with each other in a relaxed atmosphere with coffee or tee and to connect Early Career Researchers in the field of early childhood research.

The event takes place online on changing workdays at 1pm. Usually, we first split up in random groups of two to get to know each other in person (it is easier to communicate this way than in big groups). At 1:15pm there will be a short, creative presentation by one of us about a PhD- or work related project. At 1:30 there is the possibility to opt out and get back to work (since your mug will probably be empty by then) or keep discussing the project and other issues that you would like to talk about among peers. This discussion will be moderated (e.g. by a member of the organising committee).  

The SSECR Junior Network adresses

  • junior researchers (PhD-Students and early Post-Docs) and
  • practitioners who have some understanding of research (e.g. through a Masters Degree) and would like to learn more