
Junior Network: Online Coffee/ Tea & Talk Session in August

Our 13th coffee/tea & talk session will take place on Friday September 30th 2022 at 13:00.

Prof. Dr. Dieter Isler from PH Thurgau will give us some senior advice on qualitative and quantitative methodologies and their integration over time. We will learn about qualitative-reconstructive and quantitative-hypothesis testing methods and what functions the approaches can have. Join us and ask the questions you have on this matter.


Zoom-Link: https://uni-konstanz-de.zoom.us/j/94922172311?pwd=clRRSVprQ0p2RnZLS2VUbmJlM1QvQT09 

Meeting ID: 949 2217 2311

Passcode: 162384 


Research on Early Childhood Language Education – How we used qualitative and quantitative methods on our way

Our team is conducting research and development projects on Early Childhood Language Education for almost 12 years. A focus of our research is set on teachers scaffolding of academic language acquisition during everyday conversations in kindergarten. We have also looked into «Spielgruppen» practices and developed a particular method (videobased coaching) and teaching material (including a conceptual framework and a video platform) for professional development. In this coffee/tea & talk session, I will give you some insights into different project types and the methodological choices we made in order to move our knowledge ahead and to implement it in the pedagogical fields.